Paul’s Relationship with His Mother And Its Effects on His Growth As Shown in “Sons and Lovers”

D. H. Lawrence explores the deep recesses of the human mind. To illuminate human behavior and therefore, his novels have psychological interests. In Sons and Lovers, Lawrence incorporated the stream of consciousness technique to dig out the unspeakable impulses in the mind of his characters. The Oedipal Affinity Is The Central Theme of Sons and Lovers … Read more

Swift’s Attitude to Mankind As Portrayed in “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift tends to seek morality when he finds the evil and corrupting humanity. The pursuit of morality is the only way people can redeem themselves. Bartleby Research Jonathan Swift possessed a mysterious character. He was a disappointed, frustrated, and embittered man. Cursed with excessive pride and arrogance, he became like a suppressed volcano. So, various … Read more

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” As A Tale of Crime And Punishment

The Ancient Mariner is Coleridge’s masterpiece in which the author has presented the story in the supernatural atmosphere. However, it appears to be honest and convincing. The Ancient Mariner is essentially a story of crime and punishment. The poem is divided into seven sections, and each section describes a new stage in the development of … Read more

The Role And Function of Gulliver As A Narrator And An Observer

A parody of the then-popular travel narrative, Gulliver’s Travels combines adventure with savage satire, mocking English customs and the politics of the day. Patricia Bauer, Former Encyclopaedia Britannica Editor [Britannica] Jonathan Swift has presented Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer in his satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels. The account of the different voyages narrated by this fictitious character … Read more

Comment on The Fusion of Fact And Fantasy in “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift’s satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels is essentially a product of his complicated psychology and highly imaginative mind. The author was one of the most controversial personalities of his age who revolted against the adoration of reason and scientific speculations.  In his writings, Jonathan Swift bitterly criticized contemporary facts, particularly in Gulliver’s Travels, a wonderful fusion of fact and … Read more

Discuss the Use of Irony And Humor in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Irony presupposes a contrast between appearance and reality. A writer who uses irony is conscious of the incongruity of life. The contrast between illusion and reality, the ideal and the real, the seriousness of the comic virtue and vice become a writer’s immediate concern. The writer seeks to communicate it to the readers as Jane Austen … Read more

Swift’s Satirical Technique in the Book IV of “Gulliver’s Travels”

The Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels is one of the most savage and terrible indictments of humankind. The clarity and force of Swift’s style are everywhere apparent in this book.  In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift exposes intense hatred of humankind. Such hatred is nothing but the reverse side of love. The degradation, Swift’s vileness to man, could not … Read more