Comment on Hebert’s Attitude towards God As A Devotional Poet

The term “Metaphysical” conveys different meanings. Literally, it means mystical or transcendental. Such poetry deals with the soul, God, immortality, afterlife, the human spirit and senses, and so on. Donne and other poets of his school also have written poems on divine themes, but the major portion of their poetry is related to the theme … Read more

“The Dream of the Rood” as a Dramatic Monologue

A dramatic monologue is essentially a narrative spoken by a single character and unlike the soliloquy, it implies the presence of some other characters listening and reacting. According to Cuddon’s Dictionary of the Literary Terms, dramatic monologue is “a poem in which there is one imaginary speaker addressing an imaginary audience” as in Browning’s “Andrea … Read more