The Part IV of Gulliver’s Travels Verges on Tragedy, Discuss

Swift’s satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels ridicules English politics, the judicial system, and religious disputes. No doubt, but it is also a satire of humanity in general. A satirical work possesses some comic elements by exposing the follies, absurdities, and faults of human beings in a humorous manner. Though Gulliver’s Travels has some comic elements, its somber mood … Read more

Swift’s Attitude to Mankind As Portrayed in “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift tends to seek morality when he finds the evil and corrupting humanity. The pursuit of morality is the only way people can redeem themselves. Bartleby Research Jonathan Swift possessed a mysterious character. He was a disappointed, frustrated, and embittered man. Cursed with excessive pride and arrogance, he became like a suppressed volcano. So, various … Read more

Comment on The Fusion of Fact And Fantasy in “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift’s satirical masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels is essentially a product of his complicated psychology and highly imaginative mind. The author was one of the most controversial personalities of his age who revolted against the adoration of reason and scientific speculations.  In his writings, Jonathan Swift bitterly criticized contemporary facts, particularly in Gulliver’s Travels, a wonderful fusion of fact and … Read more

Swift’s Satirical Technique in the Book IV of “Gulliver’s Travels”

The Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels is one of the most savage and terrible indictments of humankind. The clarity and force of Swift’s style are everywhere apparent in this book.  In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift exposes intense hatred of humankind. Such hatred is nothing but the reverse side of love. The degradation, Swift’s vileness to man, could not … Read more

Compare and Contrast the Lilliputians And The Emperor with The King of Brobdingnag

“A dark picture of political institutions and manners” has been presented in Gulliver’s Travels by the supreme satirist of English literature, Jonathan Swift, based on his practical experience in politics and politicians. His experience had shown him the hidden springs of power and the part played by corruption and intrigue.  Gulliver’s Travels throws the light of superior and … Read more

Swift’s Satire on Science As Depicted in Gulliver’s Travels

Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulliver’s Travels, believed that the attribute of man which makes him distinct and elevated from lower animals is his rationality and reason. Therefore, his perspective made him skeptical about the newfound scientific theories that brought a radical change in man’s notion about his place in the cosmos. Swift’s Opposing View … Read more

Swift’s Political Satire in Book I and II of Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels has been described to be a great satiric masterpiece. The book was not written to entertain but to indict politicians, scientists, philosophers, and Englishmen in general. In Book I and II, Swift’s satire is more toward individual targets rather than firing a broadside at abstract concepts. Politics And Politicians in Book I And … Read more